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Video production

Video production offers many more possibilities than other forms – you can show everything in a video that you cannot include in a text or even in photographs. You will present your product from the best possible side and build not only the context, but also the character, mood and atmosphere you want your brand to have.

For many years, commercial films have been associated with major brands that can afford to broadcast them on television or in cinemas. Today, practically everyone is able to shoot such material and publish it on the internet. What is more – the budget for professional video commercials is much lower than it was 10 or 20 years ago. If you would like to quickly raise your brand image to a much higher level, we would like to inform you that video production may be the solution just for you! Get in touch with us and see how we can help you.

What is film production?

Promotional videos have great value, which is why it is sometimes better to present something with images than with words. A Facebook Business report confirms this – according to the report, video can capture the interest of a target group faster and hold it for longer. This is no coincidence – since the beginning of civilisation, people have liked telling and listening to interesting stories. And storytelling is what can most powerfully capture the attention of the viewer. Well-constructed stories evoke emotions – sadness, joy, emotion – so they can be inspiring, they can give encouragement, but they can also engage with a cause. Emotions give your message and your brand a certain character, but how do you know if a story will be good or bad? Is it possible to awaken these emotions and engage the viewer in a conscious and planned way? Of course you can! Storytelling – i.e. the conscious telling of a story to evoke a specific reaction – is a fundamental tool for filmmakers, writers, copywriters and other content creators. As communication specialists and professional content creators, we know exactly how to use it. We prepare both commercials intended for the internet: for Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, and creative advertising spots, broadcast on the internet, cinemas or television. We work with a team of cameramen, sound engineers and editors.

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What are the results of video production?

The result of video production is, of course, advertising films, which can take very different forms – depending on what the purpose of filming them is and what your brand needs are. What types of films can we make for you?

  • Advertising spots: these can be broadcast both online as part of advertising campaigns and on TV or elsewhere. We create spots that are creative and engaging for the viewer, in line with current industry trends;
  • Reports and testimonials: we will prepare a reportage on a topic related to your brand or industry, but we will also shoot a report or a souvenir of an event organised by you;
  • Corporate videos: they present your company and its potential to customers or, for example, shareholders, and are also used at trade fairs or during recruitment. Corporate videos are often filmed in several languages;
  • Videos for social media: video content is heavily promoted in social media, so the reach can increase dramatically once the video is published on your social media. Creating videos for social media is slightly different from traditional videos – fortunately, we know how to exploit their potential;
  • Music videos: if you’re a musician, your brand promotes bands and musicians or you want to advertise your brand with a song and video recorded by your employees, you’ve come to the right place!
  • Product videos: according to the saying “a picture is worth more than a thousand words”, we offer to make videos presenting your products from the best possible side. A beautiful image, the right lighting and presentation of the product in its natural environment will present it better than even the longest text (and make your audience want to buy it);
  • Video tutorials: if you want your customers to get maximum satisfaction from your product, make a series of tutorial videos for them showing what can be achieved with your products. At the same time, you will present yourself as an expert in your industry, which will inspire confidence in potential customers, authority among lovers of these products and respect from your competitors;
  • Webinars: in addition to traditional filming, we can prepare for you a professional webinar starring you. If you’ve ever thought about hosting a really well-prepared webinar, you’ll know how difficult it is to take care of the set design, lighting, sound, and watching over the proceedings at the same time. We’ve got it all organised, and we’ll be happy to take care of it for you so that you can concentrate on talking to your audience;
  • Viral videos: we are an agency organically linked to social media, so we know how to make a good video and put it out on the internet – so that it goes viral, is watched and ‘passed on’ for a very long time.

We can work with you on one-off campaigns as well as longer-term projects, e.g. running an influencer or company channel on YouTube for you or creating videocasts. We can also engage web personalities to grace your advertising videos.

Why us?

We do everything to make your video as valuable as a well-balanced meal. We work with you from the very beginning, listening to your ideas and needs and making them happen. We invite you to pre-work on the video script so that we get the most out of the production. We have already shot many hours of videos. We know the whole process of creating, publishing and promoting advertising spots and videos, so you don’t have to worry about anything yourself.

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    Tears of Joy Sp. z o.o.

    ul. Białostocka 22

    03-741 Warszawa


    Contact us at smile@tearsofjoy.pl

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